

Try using Ex-lax.

Ex-lax makes a fabulous little product called “Chocolated Stimulant Laxative” (Did I just used the word “fabulous” and Ex-lax in the same sentence?). You can buy it at any drugstore or online.

Unlike Miralax, Ex-lax is an intestinal stimulant.  That means that the medicine helps the intestine to push the poop out.  Yes! This is what we need!  I have found this product to work much better than other intestinal stimulants (such as Senokot or Milk of Magnesia).  

Here’s why I love the Ex-lax chocolate squares:

1) They taste just like chocolate. I have no problem getting my daughter to eat these.  I cannot say the same about gritty Miralax drinks, yucky miny Milk of Magnesia or Senokot capsules.  In fact, they taste so good that my other daughter (who has no pooping problems) has been known to get into the box and eat them.  Not good.

2) They provide a laxative effect without going overboard.  If you give the Ex-lax in small doses, it seems to provide just the right amount of stimulation without causing diarrhea.  Important note: Go with SMALL doses and then work up. The first time I gave my daughter Ex-lax, she hadn’t pooped in about 5 days so I thought, “She really needs this stuff, I’ll give her lots!”  She had some pretty serious diarrhea.  But actually I was kind of happy to see so much poop come out of her.  You know you’re an Encopresis Mom when you’re happy about diarrhea!

3) Ex-lax is cheap, easy to find, and easy to administer.

Here’s how to use the Ex-lax chocolate squares:

1) First off, they’re not really squares.  They’re rectangles.  Even my four year old corrects me on this. But a lot of places I read calls them “squares.”

Ex-lax rectangles in all their glory.

2) Start with one half of one rectangle.  If you know your child is really backed-up or if she hasn't pooped in 24-48 hours, give one half of one rectangle. Wait 6-8 hours.  If no poop is produced, then give the other half.  If still no poop, then give another half rectangle 6-8 hours later.  The dosage will depend somewhat on the child’s weight.  My daughter is 40 lbs and I will not give her more than 2 full rectangles within 24 hours.  If I have given her 2 rectangles and no poop is produced in 24 hours, then it is time for an enema.

Ex-lax is an intestinal stimulant, which gets the poop moving along.

3) Use as a maintenance dose if necessary. You can give small doses of Ex-lax to maintain good pooping.  Ex-lax is not habit-forming.  Try giving one-half of a rectangle every morning to maintain the regularity.

[Note: Using Ex-lax is helpful, but you're probably going to have to make some other changes too.] 

Have you used the chocolate Ex-lax squares? Did it help your child?


  1. Is Exlax safe for long term use? I've found that it works really well to activiate the bowel, but am afraid to overdo it - and is it addictive? My daughter is 3...and the Miralax isn't really helping too much. Thanks!

  2. as far as i know, ex-lax is not habit forming. if you have a "holder" (a child who holds their poop for days and days), i have found it difficult to over-do it on the ex-lax. start with a low dose and then gradually increase. and quit the miralax!!

  3. uh exlax has milk, and i thought you said milk doesn't help with constipation?

    1. yes, dairy can be constipating. the amount of dairy in 1 ex-lax square, however, is minuscule. but if it doesn't work for your child, don't use it! seems to work well for some kids and not for others. occasional ex-lax really helped my child.

  4. Just from the doctor... Mira lax brings hydration to the poop to make it easier to pass.. Ex-lax is highly habit forming.. it is not a substitute for a good diet.. if you constantly need it to move the bowels, talk to the dr.. especially for little kids, could be the sign of something more serious with the bowels..

    1. miralax is not the miracle cure some people think it is. miralax actually CAUSES pooping issues in many kids. exlax is not habit forming if used sporatically. a good diet is also, of course, a necessary part of good digestion.

  5. "You know you’re an Encopresis Mom when you’re happy about diarrhea!", lol
    I'm going to ask my son's pediatrician if this is ok to use with my son as the miralax and duphalac is not working. His diet is mostly fruit and vegetables, but he has become an expert at withholding to my dismay...

  6. My 5ur old are 2 of the squares of elax do I need to seek help from emergency room

  7. Our 4 year old withhold for days. I gave him 2 squares a !little too much but the next day watery poop came out.

  8. My daughter is 3 and has had issues with going number 2 since a baby. Her doctor has prescribed half a cap of miralax 2x daily and half of an chololate ex lax bar 1x daily. Shes been fine for 8 months but now 3 days back to back is complaining of her belly hurting and even will cry. I know that starting and stoping one or the other might no help but am wondering if its to much on her. Im so fustraited because shes been fine for a while and thpughts things were great but now i dont know. Please if you have any advice or answers help.

    1. i would quit the miralax immediately. it causes more problems than it solves in many kids. i would push tons of liquids and a little exlax for a few days and then go from there.

  9. My daughter is 3 and has had issues with going number 2 since a baby. Her doctor has prescribed half a cap of miralax 2x daily and half of an chololate ex lax bar 1x daily. Shes been fine for 8 months but now 3 days back to back is complaining of her belly hurting and even will cry. I know that starting and stoping one or the other might no help but am wondering if its to much on her. Im so fustraited because shes been fine for a while and thpughts things were great but now i dont know. Please if you have any advice or answers help.

    1. Half of a bar is too much ... other people are talking about eating half of a square.

  10. How do you administer enemas? at home or at the Dr office? What do you use? My daughter is 2 and 26 lbs.

  11. Exlax has been a huge positive vs. Miralax - which just made things worse.

    We are on a great routine, one square about 5p, and BM comes each am before

    We are about two weeks in, the box says don't take more than two weeks?

    I don't want to take a step backwards, but don't want to get him hooked on this. How long is it ok to give him exlax?

  12. I am consulting with Dr Daum, an expert in encopresis and stool withholding. You can google him to find his website. He has done and read tons of research and he is adamant that there is nothing dangerous about long term ex lax use. He said it is not habit forming and is the most useful medication for this issue. My daughter is a different person since we began consulting with him. I would highly recommend giving it a shot if you are struggling with this issue. But also I hope this relaxes some people’s fears about using ex lax with small children. I was extremely hesitant at first but now I thank god for it!

    1. Piggy, how many squares do you give? I gave my 2 year old 1 full square yesterday and he was able to hold it still so I gave him 1 and a half today in hopes he would go.

  13. which is really a immature share of the difficulties most people unrecorded with sect now, but but making improved lives for group that is direction on feat them much , getting them punter aid and making certain their kids get enlightened.milk of magnesia dosage for babies

  14. I am having surgery 3 days from now they told me to take a double dose of a laxative. I have already been going all week just fine. I'm a little nervous to take two. I asked the Dr why take it 3 days ahead and have no diet restrictions and she said it was to make sure I wasn't constipated. How fast do you think the double dose will take to work ? I'm considering taking it before bed .


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