Pooping Solutions
Help your child overcome constipation and encopresis
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Quit Miralax
Fruit Juice
Dairy-free diet
Enemas etc
Keep a Poop Journal
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Saturday, April 26, 2014
Try Probiotics
Try giving your child a probiotic. It is unlikely to cause any harm and can help to replenish the good bacteria in the digestive system....
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
You know you're an encopresis parent if...
You know you're an encopresis parent if... 1) You have an extra pair of underwear and pants for your child in the glove compartment o...
What should poop look like?
I hope that you did not just eat lunch. This is kinda gross. But helpful, I promise! I downloaded this fabulous poop chart from h...
What I've Learned
I never imagined that I would have a child with pooping problems. It just seems so random. And gross. But I think I've learned a few ...
Pooping Books
There are lots of books out there about pooping problems. Here are three children's books: 1) It Hurts When I Poop 2) I ...
Get Support
Having a child with encopresis can be overwhelming. Sometimes it feels like the problem is taking over your life. There are lots of s...
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Keep a poop journal
The best way to monitor your child's progress is by keeping a poop journal. With everything you've got going on in your...
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