
Quit Miralax

My number one recommendation for helping to solve pooping problems is to quit using Miralax.  This may seem counter-intuitive.  Miralax is a laxative afterall!  That should help, right?  Miralax also comes highly recommended by many pediatricians (Side note: Don’t get confused by names, Miralax is sometimes referred to as PEG (polyethylene glycol 3350) or Movicol).

Miralax is not the answer!

However, Miralax can actually make constipation problems worse.

Here’s why:

1) Miralax is a band-aid fix. Miralax does nothing to solve the underlying intestinal, dietary and/or psychological problems that are causing your child’s constipation or encopresis.  At its best, Miralax is short-term fix for softening up hard poop.  At its worst, Miralax can make encopresis symptoms much worse. If Miralax helps relieve occasional constipation in your child, I say, “Great! Go ahead and use it!”  However, if you’ve been using Miralax for more than a month and your child is still soiling (meaning leaving poop streaks or crumbs in his/her panties) or still exhibiting holding patterns, then it is time to get off of the Miralax.   See more about this in a blog entry by pediatrician Dr. Claudia M. Gold. 

2) Miralax does not help get the poop out. Miralax draws water from the intestine into the poop.  This changes the consistency of the poop to be more watery.  So as you take Miralax, the poop becomes softer and softer. This may help if you have occasional constipation. However, it does not provide any intestinal stimulation that your child needs to push poop through the intestinal tract.  The poop can still sit in the intestine and the child can still hold it in. Ex-lax, on the other hand, is helpful because it is an intestinal stimulant and actually helps move the poop along. 

Generic brand Miralax.  This ain't gonna help either.

3) Miralax can INCREASE your child’s desire to hold the poop in. The main cause of encopresis is holding the poop in. For most children, it’s the holding patterns that we’re trying to help them overcome.  When the child takes Miralax, it makes the poop more watery.  The nervous system in the intestine works best when a solid hunk of poop presses against the intestinal wall and sends a signal to the brain. If the poop is watery, the nerves in the intestine may do not function properly.  This can cause the child to hold even more.  Also, if the child is seriously constipated, the watery poop created by the Miralax may leak out around larger poop blockages in the intestine.  Not good!

Not gonna lie, Miralax is expensive.

4) Miralax has not been approved by the FDA for pediatric use.  Miralax has also not been approved for long-term use, yet many child take it for months or years.  (See New York Times article about this here).  This alone should give you pause about giving to your child on a long-term basis.

The label says to use no more than 7 days!  I know parents who have given Miralax to their children for YEARS! Don't do it.

5) The bottom line is this: Ask yourself, “Is Miralax helping my child heal?” Have you been dealing with pooping problems for more than a few weeks?  Has your child been soiling in her panties for months?  (My guess is that the answer to this question is “Yes!” since you are reading a pooping blog!). Miralax is not working.  Any positive effect that you will see from Miralax will occur within the first 14 days.  My pediatrician kept recommending Miralax for my daughter for 18 MONTHS before I woke up and realized that it was not working. 

[Note: Quitting Miralax is a great first step, but you're probably going to have to make some other changes too.] 

I’d love to hear from you.  Have you given Miralax to your child? What was the result?


  1. Hi! Yes we realized Miralax was awful! We switched to Fruit-eze and it has been wonderful for us. It is concentrated prunes, dates and raisins. It works like you would expect and also lubricates the intestinal wall to make pooping easier. We use Miralax once in a blue moon if DD seems to be backing up a bit. Miralax is exactly as you say - great for occasional constipation, but not daily.

    1. That looks like a great product! I haven't tried it yet. Here's a link

      Just say no to Miralax :)

    2. so how do you get your kid off exlax and all the laxitives if they have an issue with pooping?? i already know to give them fruits and vegetables

  2. I just want to thank you for posting this! I have found this information so so helpful as we look for a solution for our two year old son who has a lot of issues with his bowel movements. After more than a year and a half on Miralax we are still struggling and having to give him a suppository every other day because he just can't go without it. You have helped give me some information that will be helpful as we look at this from a different angle ! Thanks!

  3. Ok so here is my situation. Back in October of 2013 my 16 yr old daughter started complaining of abdominal pain. She went to the doctors and er visits ..they did an xray and stated that she had some stool built up but they felt thst wasnt the cause of her pain. So they gave her a pain med and some MiraLAX and sent her home. So far she has had umpteen tests with no answes. Took her to the ER this past weekend and they gave her pain meds and magnesium citrate to help her contipation because the stool has now officially filled her bowels. She was/is pooping everyday. We tok her to her pediatrician on tuesday and she prescribed MiraLAX for 3-4 days and sinve she started taking it shes complaining of it hurting more. Why wont the doctors suggest using exlax? I ned to help her feel better shes a junior in high school and has missed so much time from this .. are there any other suggestions that may posibly help her?

    1. Wondering if you ever got this fixed. My daughter currently is going through the same thing. They have her on miralax twice a day and still having pain problems. They say just constipation but I am beginning to think there is something else too.

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    4. Has she had her thyroid tested? And specifically, a test for Hashimoto's disease? Abdominal pain goes along with Hashimoto's in some cases. It did in my daughter's. One suggested reason for this is gluten intolerance. Gluten intolerance can not be detected in a blood test, but they can rule out celiac and then do a trial period on a gluten free diet. I have known several friends to follow the same exact pattern. It may not be your daughter's problem, but it's a simple enough thing to try. Please do update if you find an answer!

    5. I was also wondering if you had any answers. My daughter has been consitpated since 2011. About three years ago the dr put her on murilax daily. SHE STILL GETS IMPACTED! It is hard to watch her at age 10 be in all that pain and wait for it to clear. Then go to school the next day because it happens so often she would never pass. I just want my daughter to poop with ease without murilax and be healthy. It is amazing to me after going through the web how many children are on murilax as the answer to fix all issues. THIS IS NOT A FIX!

    6. push on the poop trigger point under the belly button look it up it works make sure she drinks enuff water

  4. Miralax is NOT a cure-all.. all it does is hydrate the intestines to help the stuff go quicker...

  5. My daughter at age 4 became constipated and then I was given miralex AL it did was soften the poop and make it impossible for her or I to clean up. And then she started going 8n her underwear. It has been a nightmare for her and I and we quit the miralax and it took about 3 yrs to finally harden up again and be normal poop but she is still constipated and her bowels expanded double in size. So she is now 8.5 yrs old now and was complaining of alot of pain throwing up and having problems still pooping. So I new she was very backed up still and brought her in to urgent care and of course they put her back on Miralax and she is saying she can't feel the poop coming out of her butt going in her pants etc. It's been about 2 weeks without taking the meds and it is still horrible. I seen comments about giving them exlax I think I just might try it. I'm so tired of dealing with this shit. 😢

  6. My daughter started suffering from occasional constipation when she was 2. She started holding her poop in and we battled this on an off until last year she was 6. We went to GI specialist and he said she was backed up so she had to do a clean out. Then he put her on miralax for everyday for 6months. She has been going regularly everyday or every other day but still complains of constant stomach pain. He still tried to put on constipation. We are switching doctors and we are having her tested for gluten and dairy intolerance. Hoping we get some answers soon.

  7. My now 4 year old was diagnosed with constipation at age 1 as soon as she came off formula, i give her a very tiny bit every other day and she goes daily and its normal not hard but not too soft either, she still get backed up every once in awhile but it eventually straightens itself out and we have designated poopig times even if she doesnt go we try to make sure, but she started holding her poop at age 1 bc she was lactose intolerate abd had diarrhea all day for weeks so she started holding it so when we changed to lactose free her stool became normal and she was still holding it causing her to get imapcted and not being able to pass at all, so i had her on a pediatric stool softener first worked for a little while then she got impacted again, as much as i want to wean her off she doesnt go without it.. She holds it and gets impacted and thats wayyyyy worse to deal with for her....

  8. Our gastroenterologist recommended miralax. My husband gave very small amounts on and off and it didn't help. When I realized what he was doing I we asked the doctor how much to give and she said a capful a day. We did that finally and that worked. My daughters pain went way down. Then my husband didn't want her to keep taking miralax and took her to another gastroenterologist who put my daughter on exlax and fiber. If you read the exlax packaging it says don't use for more than a week but the doctor insisted we keep using it. Our daughter got worse and when she did the doctor just said double the exlax. exlax from my point of view is a lot more of a drug than miralax. Miralax is an innocuous water absorber that passes through the intestine. If someone is constipated you want to soften their stool. exlax enters your blood stream and stimulates your colon and who knows what else it does.

  9. I have been dealing with this for 8 years. My poor daughter is forced to be on miralax as her dad and I are not together; and the dr is on the side of her dad who keeps saying use miralax and the problem continues to get worse! I have used probiotics and that works great for her. The problem is when she has to go to her dad's and he won't back off the miralax even though it doesn't work. Does anyone have a doctor that they have talked to that is against miralax? I need to find a doctor that listens to reason and what works.
    Thank you!

    1. i would definitely suggest getting off of miralax. it is not a cure-all. it is not even FDA approved for longer than 14 days usage! try going without it - you don't need a doctor's permission to stop using it!

  10. I am not of child age, I am a 63 yr. old female; sigmoid colon removed! At least 3 dr.'s never told me I had diverticulosis. They just put on chart, and then filed in med. records. Found out recently that diverticulitis could have been averted! Re: Miralax, I believe this horrific PEG lax needs to be recalled before it medically injures more patients/people. Was put on this awful drug, and did not prevent constipation long-term. Short-term it helped a little bit. Long term - even for adults this drug has major side effects: memory loss (dementia), neuropsychiatric issues ie. invasive crazy thoughts; irritability and anger issues while using daily (not F.D.A. approved for daily use in children or adults either! Miralax contiains P.E.G. (polyethylene glycol) and ethylene glycol is antifreeze! The poly meaning many, O.M.Gosh! This drug is dangerous, has made me extremely ill in colon; caused extreme bloating, eventual inability to poop; and dependence on it. I weaned off Miralax. This product/drug will be recalled once enough adverse side effects and enough harmed patients/people continue reporting these horrific medical issues after consuming Miralax over a period of time.

  11. I am looking for a specific plan to wean my daughter off? Peggy, how did you do it? How long did it take?

  12. Wow... I never knew that Miralax was so bad. My son is 5 years old and has been on Miralax with exlax for just about two years. He still gets very bloated and tends to hold his bowls. I recently started giving him a multivitamin with a probiatic, along with his regular miralax and half exlax every other day. I noticed he started going daily, but pooping bright green. I'm thinking that the probiotic is helping so I'm going to layoff the miralax and exlax and see if the probiotic keeps him going.

  13. I am 66 yrs old and have had constipation problems for as long as I can remember. Dr. Have told me to use Miralax over the years and again just last week after my I tried it again. IT DOES NOT WORK FOR ME...I have leakafe problems and almost constantly loose bowls. Over the last year I have been drinking a calm and cleansing tea that works better than anything I have tried and over the years I have tried so many prescription and otc products. It is a little expensive but I am now willing to pay the price for a complete and formed movement.... constipation is no longer a part of my life!

  14. Yikes....miralax is a very toxic substance, period!! Polyethylene(plastic) glycol(found in anti freeze), eradicates the bacteria in the gut. Especially a huge issue for a developing child; our son was 4 when he started miralax. We didn't ask any questions until he was diagnosed with epilepsy 5 years later. We found a naturopath after not getting any answers from the hospital a year after diagnosis. Come to find out he didn't have any lactobacillus in his intestines. We started healing the gut by repopulating the bacteria and the seizures stopped. He's now been off his anti seizure medication for a month and seizure free for 21 months. The seizures were the least of our concerns, his disposition had taken a turn for the worse while we were going through all this; again, once we started healing the gut his disposition came back around. If you have witnessed any concerns/side effects related to miralax, I would love to hear from you. Consider sharing them here;

  15. Yikes....miralax is a very toxic substance, period!! Polyethylene(plastic) glycol(found in anti freeze), eradicates the bacteria in the gut. Especially a huge issue for a developing child; our son was 4 when he started miralax. We didn't ask any questions until he was diagnosed with epilepsy 5 years later. We found a naturopath after not getting any answers from the hospital a year after diagnosis. Come to find out he didn't have any lactobacillus in his intestines. We started healing the gut by repopulating the bacteria and the seizures stopped. He's now been off his anti seizure medication for a month and seizure free for 21 months. The seizures were the least of our concerns, his disposition had taken a turn for the worse while we were going through all this; again, once we started healing the gut his disposition came back around. If you have witnessed any concerns/side effects related to miralax, I would love to hear from you. Consider sharing them here;

    1. how did you repopulate the bacteria? My son has been on miralax for years and now it's to the point where it's doing nothing. He needs to have a suppository every other day to be able to go, which isn't good either.

  16. Gross! never taking it again! Please read this article and do not keep giving it to your child.

  17. My daughter is 10 she has been getting impacted since age 3 or 4. She has been prescribed Murilax daily for the last three years. She poops 3-5 times a day and still becomes impacted every 3-4 weeks. We have had to remove all dairy from her diet because that causes her to be impacted within 2-48 hours or immediately violently ill. I am TIRED of murilax and am trying to move my household over to be more natural. Does anyone have answers as to what the cause of constipation is? My child has oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch she has chicken or turkey green pepper and cucumber and two fruits then an average dinner. I feel like i don't feed her to much sugar or processed foods. We have been to GI at Neamours for a month now and have a colonscopy and gastroscopy scheduled in the next 2 weeks but i need answers this is hard to watch. Are your children overweight by chance?

    1. so the crazy thing is that miralax can actually CAUSE constipation in some kids. quit miralax now!

  18. I have Celiac and my Dr. was very good about everything to help me. I have used Miralax for many years and it never bothered me in any way. I always went perfectly. But I never read what was in Miralax which is stupid on my part. Now I am trying to get regular by eating the right foods. I am bloated a lot of the time. Does anyone have any suggestions what I should be doing?

  19. I know this is a possible old blog but I am 14, I have tried miralax, exlax and things for colonoscopy nothing helped. Now I am hopeless and annoying people with my complaint. Do you have any suggestions for my consipation because I will not do an enmas

  20. Hi Tbird- I am sorry you are having problems at such a young age. I am 61 and have had constipation problems for over 30 years I have tried everything under the sun including prescription meds. All they did was bloat me up. A doctor I heard on the radio suggested that all these meds do not work for everyone. He suggested to stop everything and every morning just eat Bran Buds Cereal, 1/3 cup with milk I use almond milk. Be sure to drink enough water daily. It totally works for me. It is dayy six and I go every morning. I do have a couple cups of coffee in the morning which helps. Please try this faithfully every day and see if it helps. So meds cause constipation. Let us know how it works for you.

  21. what is the answer to encopresis? My grandson hold his poop and then gets constipated.....He is starting kindergarden and I don't know if they are going to put up with this....any suggestions....I gave him miralax which the pediatrician told me he is so upset every time he poops.
    I am stopping it

  22. Constipation has been part of my life since i could walk i am currently using 3 enema bags of water to flush my intestines out 1 or 2 times a week i also have a severe rectocele and cystocele which requires surgery miralax was given 3 days ago ans it dosent do a thing for me,anyone else had this problem


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